Cover Girl Star Wars Creative Brief

What are we advertising?
In 1977 a mix of creative genius and out-of-this-world effects brought the average earth dweller to a galaxy far, far away. Star Wars was absolutely captivating to audience members who were blown away by the cutting edge special effects, enchanting storyline, and fascinating makeup work. We are using the same eccentric pioneering spirit for our new line of Cover Girl the Force Awakens makeup line. This line will include both “Dark Side” and “Light Side” makeup products inspired from characters in the new upcoming film Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
Who are we talking to?
Meet Maria. Maria is a 22-year-old college student studying Graphic Design and Fashion Merchandising. She lives in a small apartment in an urban area that has had an influx of Millenials moving into the local buildings. She spends her days working on her fashion designs at her favorite locally owned coffee shop. When she isn’t spending her time working on clothing, she watches critically acclaimed movies and makeup tutorials while also keeping up to date on her favorite fashion blogger. She is into “nerdy” stuff as well appreciating old movies like Star Wars, and likes comic book characters. Maria loves to express her individuality and she shows that through her unique style, and trendy makeup. She pays for her bills by freelancing her design work and working as a part-time barista. She is confident, elegant, and very friendly. They do not like the fact that there is a “standard of beauty” and inclusivity is very important.
What do they believe?
According to the research that has been done, Millenials see Covergirl as a cheap drugstore brand of makeup. They believe that they can get a better quality of makeup by spending more money, and if a person were to wear a lot of makeup frequently, they would go with a higher quality brand that offers more diversity. They think that Covergirl would be a brand for a person that is a novice when it comes to the art of makeup, or someone who does not really care about wearing a lot of makeup.
What is the Objective?
The problem that we have to solve, is the perception that women have about Covergirl makeup and to get brand loyals to switch their brand loyalty to Covergirl. We need to prove to them that Cover girl not only has high quality products that will make the wearer feel noticed, but also supplies enough variety of products to really give the consumer a chance to express their individuality in a diverse amount of ways.
What do we want them to do?
We want our target audience to try out one of our more unique product lines so that they can see the benefits of becoming loyal to Covergirl instead of being loyal to another brand of makeup. We also want to encourage makeup users that like a little bit more flare, to try this line of makeup and to get creative with how they look.
What can we do to motivate them?
We will use our new The Force Awakens line of makeup to motivate potential consumers to switch over to Covergirl. By using examples of different Light Side and Dark Side characters, we offer the opportunity for consumers to make their own choice on how they look, or who they portray themselves as- something Millenials love to do. With the anticipation of Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer coming to theatres, fans will be motivated to go and buy these exclusive products to not only make their premier day costumes that much better, but also gives the not as dedicated fans an opportunity to take part in the festivities without going all out in costumes. Once the consumers realize the quality and diversity of our products, they will be curious into checking out our other lines with the huge potential to turn these one-time consumers into brand loyals.
Where can we reach our audience effectively?
Our target audience frequents fashion blogs, and makeup video bloggers. They also read entertainment magazines and go on a variety of entertainment, gossip, and fashion brand websites. We can reach these consumers on television by showing video ads of our new products on E! as well as a variety of different entertainment programs.
The Creative Strategy?
There are several ways that we can successfully interact with our target audience. The target audience keeps a close eye on a variety of fashion trends and loves to be in the loop with entertainment. First, our print ads should run in entertainment magazines- especially when those entertainment magazines do large write-ups about Star Wars. Another we are going to hit our demographic is to reach out to makeup bloggers that have a high reach and high frequency of viewers and supply them with out products to show different ways that the makeup can be effective. We will use these bloggers to post makeup tutorials on our website and on their own personal video blogs to hit a variety of different potential consumers. Along with native ads on fashion websites, these advertising plans will hit millions of our target audience members. We will also look into TV specials about promoting the new movie coming out and be sure to hit our demographic of dedicated Star Wars fans while playing commercials in between show segments.
What else needs to be included?
We need to include our Covergirl brand name as well as the Star Wars logo. We need to focus on including the Star Wars logo on our physical product as well. Pictures of the different products that we are promoting needs to be included in our print advertisement so that the consumer will recognize the product on the store shelves and be drawn to purchase it with brand recognition. We also need to be sure to diversify the different makeup subcategories with different models to ensure a more diverse interaction.
We will launch this product line in the United States on September 4th 2015 and globally sometime in November. This gives us the opportunity to effectively target our audience and get our product out in the market plenty of time before the premier of the new Star Wars movie, which is taking place on Christmas day in December of this year.
How do we measure success?
(Is not known for sure) Success will be measure by how many website hits we receive, how many makeup tutorial views we get, and how many new consumers and brand loyals we receive after the star wars line is no longer available in stores. Our goal is to become first in consumers minds when thinking about when trying to find quality-made unique makeup products.
(Unknown) We will be spending close to $40 million on this advertising campaign in hopes of obtaining a new wave of brand loyals in this unique market demographic. This budget will be closely followed and highly efficient.